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Category Archives: grand pepper

grand pepper of reality

Gym Jam

Recorded live at the Wu Tang Physical Culture Association, Lower East Side, Manhattan. June 25, 2011 Jason Candler – alto saxophone, microphone, fx Doug Principato – guitar, pennywhistle, vocal (on “Mah Number Now”) Firehorse – DJ, fx Moe Seager – poet, swords, bottles, paper, keys, various other sundry items David Beard – keyboards (on “Restless […]

Sabir 60

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft, Brooklyn. April 16, 2011 Sabir Mateen – tenor sax, vocals, birthday boy Brendan Burke – drums Jason Candler – alto sax, fx Dikko Faust – trombone Doug Principato – guitar, vocals, claps Andre Martinez – bongos Mono (722 / Pro Tools) Yaai

New Grand Cru

Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC March 25, 2011 Jason Candler – alto clarinet, fx Ben Holtzman – bass clarinet Doug Principato – guitar Atsushi Tsumura – trumpet Stereo (Pro Tools) No Net Grand Welcome Amara Roasted

Good Veggies

Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC July 23, 2010 Jason Candler – alto clarinet, Moog, fx Ben Holtzman – washboard, Wurlitzer Doug Principato – electric & acoustic guitars, pennywhistle Stereo (Pro Tools) Turtle The Day Fantastic Stan Peyote

Killed By Death / Ace of Spades

Recorded at the Maid’s Room, NYC November 29, 2009 Nalu Noa: Sean Bolivar – Hawai’ian steel (kika kila), vocal “Ace of Spades” grand pepper – slack key acoustic guitar (Ki Ho Alu), vocal “Killed By Death” Jason Candler – baritone saxophone Shaun Decker – bass Zack Schmidlein – drums Stereo (2″ analog) rough mix Killed […]

Pepper Jams

Recorded live at home in Manhattan. September 26, 2009 Jason Candler – alto clarinet, samplers Doug Principato – ’98 Stratocaster mono/stereo (722/Reaper) Tales Moose Calls Warts n All The Psychedelic Jungle

Seven Seven

Recorded live at Pepper temple Studio July 7, 2009 Jason Candler – alto sax, fx, vocals grand pepper – guitar, sampler Stereo (DAT &ADAT / Analog mix) DLF77 VI77 HOHOF77 HDAF77

State of the Union / Doug Makes Coffee

Recorded at the Maid’s Room, NYC. August 2008 Mixed January 2009  grand pepper – vocals,piano, guitar, Moog, coffee machine Jason Candler – alto sax, rhythm ace “State of the Union” composed by Doug Principato. “Doug Makes Coffee”composed by Jason Candler & Doug Principato Stereo (2″ 8-track analog, mixed to 1/2”) Doug Makes Coffee State of the […]