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Monthly Archives: January 2010


Recorded live at home in Manhattan. January 13, 2010 Jason Candler – alto clarinet, alto clarinet mouthpiece, vocal, SM57, samplers Kris Anton – digital manipulation, sequencer, drum machine, vocal Stereo (722 / ProTools) Alpyzimr Fruiz57

Burke / Candler 7

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft in Brooklyn. January 8, 2010 Jason Candler – alto saxophone, samplers Brendan Burke – drums Stereo (722 / Pro Tools) T2517 T2518 T2521

Walkin’ Some Bounce

Recorded live in Ben’s kitchen, NYC. January 6, 2010 Jason Candler – alto clarinet Ben Holtzman – washboard Stereo (Olympus portable recorder) Walkin’

Original Soundtrack to “Who Left the Pod Bay Door Open?”

Recorded live at home in Manhattan. January 5, 2010 Dubbidet (Zhe Bday): Jason Candler – alto clarinet, alto saxophone, alto clarinet mouthpiece, vocal, samplers, fx Quince Marcum – vocal, peck horn, samplers, fx stereo (722 / ProTools) Door Ajar Part 3 Zhygedon Pod Opus