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Monthly Archives: January 2011

Swivel Caster

Recorded live at home in Manahattan January 29, 2011 Garfunkel Ben Holtzman – bass clarinet, bass drum Jason Candler – alto clarinet, alto clarinet mouthpiece, desk items Stereo (Pro Tools) Buddha Swivel Caster

Iron Falcon 5

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft, Brooklyn. January 13, 2011 Brendan Burke – drums Jason Candler – alto saxophone, fx boxes Sabir Mateen – tenor saxophone Stereo (Metric Halo / Pro Tools) Act 3 Happy Sue Butterfly Coal #1 Coal #2 Get Jester Shute

Burke / Candler 11

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft in Brooklyn. January 13, 2011 Jason Candler – alto saxophone, DC boxes, vocals Brendan “Khan” Burke – drums, vocals Stereo (Metric Halo / Pro Tools) Khan